Monday, August 10, 2009


Dreams let our minds run free which is why they can be great sources of inspiration for stories. For five minutes, write about a dream you had, putting in as many details as you can remember. Then, go over what you've written and mark any events or scenes from your dream that you might be able to use in a story.


  1. Love the prompts. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. Thanks Nora! The prompts are really fun to come up with and hopefully someone out there is actually doing them :-)

  3. I always wish I had a story that came to me in a dream a la Stephanie Meyers. Alas, my dreams are a bit too disjointed to make any sense - although I should start jotting them down like you suggest just to see how my subconscious actually works through things!
    P.s. I liked your website too - very inviting and easy to navigate. Great job!

  4. Thanks Nelsa. My dreams tend to be pretty disjointed too, so I don't know if they're the Stephanie Meyers kind either. But there are certainly some wacky things in there that might be fun in a story!

  5. Hi Anna! Just clicked on over to your website from the comment on Casey's blog...this a really cool idea for a blog!

    I also write MG/YA fantasy, and have actually dreamed several times IN the world I've created. A couple of the scenes in my book and other stories were actually directly from the dream.

  6. Hi Tyler! That's great that you dream in your book world. I sometimes daydream in the worlds I've made up, but my dreams have never actually taken me there. My worlds tend to be a little scary, so perhaps that's a good thing!
